Thursday 4 January 2018

A young man carrying a huge stuffed toy

A lurid luminous yellow banana
which he clutches under an arm.

I spot him on the train platform (with my anti-banana radar!)
evidently trying to remain as inconspicuous as he can,
His eyes furtive,
shifting the toy from one arm to the other often,
And, as he does so,
the squeak toy inside is activated,
first in squeezing, then relaxing.
Issued forth it's absurd cry
closer to that of anguish,
despair, or pathetic melancholy?
This banana is clearly very sad.

Shuffling onto the packed Tube train at rush hour
I watch the bemused passengers
smirk and giggle, curious.
As with every movement,
and each additional passenger
to the cattle-truck crush,
the banana weeps wails and laments,
It's carrier long-since amused,
Staring silently ahead,
humorless, devoid of even a smile.

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